new royalslider


Cabo Blanco Beach Cleanup
Santa Teresa Fishing Village
Mal Pais School Picnic
Florblanca Local Art Expo
Florblanca Community
Florblanca Sponsored Soccer Team
Florblanca Community
Florblanca Community
Florblanca Community

At Florblanca, we show our commitment to sustainability in a variety of ways.  

Certification for Sustainable Tourism

Understanding the patterns of our behavior, the way we do business, and how our actions affect our environment have become a fundamental roll of the sustainability process. We can only be a truly sustainable hotel if we have solid data and accurate information. For this reason, we have chosen to be evaluated through the most strict certification program for Sustainable Tourism in Costa Rica, known as the CST (http://www.turismo-sostenible.co.cr).

Here the categories that are evaluated in order to achieve certification with the goal of demonstrating sustainability within our operation:

  • Physical and biological relationship: The CST evaluates the interaction between the business and the surrounding natural environment, and seeks to implement sustainable policies and programs, like the protection of the environment, among others.
  • Internal processes and practices of lodging establishments: Aspects are evaluated related to the business’s internal processes and systems with respect to waste management and technologies used to conserve electric energy and water.
  • The client: Efforts that management takes to encourage the client to participate in the implementation of the business’s sustainability policies are evaluated.

  • Socio-economic realm: Identification and interaction of the business with developing communities are evaluated, by looking at, for example, the degree to which tourism establishments respond to growth and development in the region, by generating employment and results that positively benefit the collective whole.

We are honored to take part in the CST certification process and we’re proud of our 4Leaf status within the program. 


Environment Policies

  • Make a responsible waste management to prevent water, air and soil pollution.
  • Optimize the use of water and energy, through saving and the use of alternative technologies.
  • Protect, respect and promote wildlife habitat and species.
  • Keep gardens and structures free of agrochemicals or chemical substances harmful to human and wildlife health. Encourage the use of organic fertilizers and the enrichment of soils in a sustainable and natural way.
  • Share with visitors, neighbors, suppliers and the hotel staff, our knowledge and experiences in environmental issues.

Purchasing policies 

  • Inform and create actions to encourage our suppliers to participate in programs of environmental and social improvement.
  • Promote local production.
  • Reduce waste production and prefer reusable, recyclable or biodegradable products.
  • Prefer fresh, natural and organic products.

Social Policies

  • Develop employment opportunities for the community and contribute to their professional growth through training.
  • Encourage guests to participate in recreational and cultural activities that our community offers.
  • Support sports, culture, education, health and security programs in our community
  • Respect our traditional and existing living cultures in the environment where we are and we operate. Encourage our customers and staff to promote and respect our origins.


Amigos de los Parques Nacionales is a membership program created by ProParques, Fundecor and SINAC that offers people, organizations and businesses the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment towards Costa Rica’s National Parks. The program has managed to maintain trails, signage and infrastructure at different stations throughout the country.  In addition to the extended collaboration on projects such as “A summer without wildfire” among others.

The Code of Conduct in this country is a project of the tourist industry that is supported by The Paniamor Foundation together with the Costa Rican Tour Operators Association (ACOT), The Costa Rican Professionals in Tourism Association (ACOPROT) and World Vision Costa Rica funded by Fundecooperación. In Costa Rica, there is a great concern, so the tourist industry has taken an energetic position of zero tolerance in order to protect children and adolescents from commercial sexual exploitation. In this manner, they have united to promote the incorporation of the Code of Conduct in tourist companies to confront this problem.

Costa Rica’s Blue Flag Ecological Program (Bandera Azúl Ecológica) helps protect both the environmental and social landscapes of Costa Rica. The program began in 1996 as an incentive for coastal communities to keep their beaches clean. Since then, it’s grown to encompass a wide variety of destinations and categories. The Blue Flag program is a driving force behind the healthy communities and vibrant ecosystems that make up Costa Rica.

Nicoya Peninsula Waterkeeper is a non-government organization, whose mission is to monitor, protect and restore water quality in the coastal watersheds and marine ecosystems between the Cabo Blanco Absolute Nature Reserve and the Caletas-Ario National Wildlife Refuge through research, field work, education and advocacy. Water is at the core of today’s most pressing issues—security and scarcity, energy and climate change, the cause and spread of infectious disease. Communities are looking for ways to protect our right to clean water, as the quality and quantity of water resources decline around the world.